Grand Opening of Harmon Field

The comprehensive plan to renovate the Harry Dallara ball field at Harmon Field in Tryon is nearing completion. Final improvements such as installation of a new scoreboard, creation of additional sidewalks and other amenities are now coming to fruition. In addition, the Harry Dallara statue and bas-relief plaque were prepared for installation by late April.

A Grand Opening was tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 13th including an opening ceremony, an inaugural ball game, a picnic and music. Due to the coronavirus, this event has obviously been postponed.

We would hope to be in a position to reschedule the opening for September of this year but will need to delay any firm decision until the appropriate authorities deem it suitable to engage in renewed collective activities. At that time, we look forward to this Grand Opening being a wonderful day of renewed community engagement and a celebration of Harmon Field and all of its attractions.